Audience Talkback
Audience-Reading Best Practices
Welcome and thank the audience for coming.
Introduce playwright, actors, director.
Introduce the play.
Set expectations for the audience.
Explain where the play is in the development process
“Today we are here for the benefit of the playwright,” i.e. "This is the first time Kelsey is hearing this play from beginning to end, here is her email..."
Describe the specific feedback the playwright is seeking from the audience:
All and any (in person or via email)
General reactions
Specific reactions
Images that remain with the audience from the story: Readback lines, images, theatricality, etc.
Place playwright’s email address in the chat and encourages the audience to forward their written notes or thoughts that arise after the reading.
Hand off to the stage-directions reader, who begins the reading.
Post-curtain, thank the actors and audience and invite the audience and actors to remain for a talkback
5-minute break
Introduce talkback.
Begin questions:
Actor feedback
Big picture: What was meaningful to you about this play?
Images that remain with the audience from the story:
- Things that worked well
Where the play is less resonant
How is this play successful in meeting its objectives? (Refer back to playwright’s questions stated at the beginning.)
How is this play NOT successful in meeting its objectives?
What inspired you to focus this play on these particular characters in this particular place?
What resonates for you? In what ways was it meaningful to you?
Possible follow ups:
What was stimulating?
Different or unique?
To you, what is the story being told in this play?
What interests you about these people?
What interests you about their circumstances?
Did you understand the way they communicate?
Did you remain engaged throughout the play?
"If you love this play, we want to know what we need to get it produced"
In Conclusion: Thank audience for coming, and share the playwright's email with them again.